Coexpression of tdTomato immunoreactivity in NPY- and SST-immunoreactive INs and CaMKII-immunopositive neurons in the BLA. High magnification of tdTomato- (A), NPY- (B), and SST- (C) immunoreactive neurons in the BLA. D, The merged image indicates that tdTomato is expressed in NPY+/SST+ (double arrowhead) and NPY−/SST+ (arrows) neuronal populations. Subsets of tdTomato-immunoreactive cells (E) in the BLA also contain immunoreactivity for CaMKII (F, H, arrows) but not the interneuronal marker PV (G, H). Single-labeled cells for CaMKII (carat- v) and tdTomato (single arrowhead) are also present; in general, all (>99%) of the PV population is single-labeled with no significant coexpression with tdTomato. Scale bar, 100 μm.