Table 1.
Summary of recent studies on the implementation of computer-aided detection in clinical settings for breast cancer detection.
Author, year, country | Methods | Objectives | Results |
Keen et al, 2018, United States [10] | Telephone surveys (400 digital mammography practices) | To assess whether CADa use by digital mammography practices decreased from 2008 to 2016 |
Fenton et al, 2013, United States [22] | Retrospective cohort study of Medicare enrollees from the Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results Medicare database (409,459 mammograms and 163,099 women) | To study the relationship between CAD use and DCISb incidence and invasive breast cancer |
Killelea et al, 2014, United States [23] | Retrospective cohort study of Medicare enrollees from the Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results Medicare database 2001-2002 (n=137,150) and 2008-2009 (n=133,097) | To evaluate the impact of CAD on screening-related cost and outcomes |
Rao et al, 2010, United States [24] | Retrospective analysis of nationwide Medicare Part B fee-for-service databases from 2004 to 2008 | To compare mammography procedure volumes and CAD use for (1) screening vs diagnostic mammography and (2) hospital facilities vs private offices |
Onega et al, 2010, United States [25] | Cross-sectional survey on the use and perceptions of CAD and double reading by radiologists (n=257) | To examine (1) the rates of CAD and double reading use for mammography interpretation and (2) the perceptions of CAD in comparison to double reading for mammography interpretation |
Tchou et al, 2010, United States [26] | Prospective observational study of radiologists interpreting images with and without CAD (5 radiologists and 267 cases) | To study the effect of CAD on (1) interpretation time for reviewing CAD images, (2) recall rates, and (3) confidence levels |
Benedikt et al, 2018, United States [27] | Prospective study multireader multicase crossover design of images (20 radiologists and 240 cases) | To compare reading time and performance with and without CAD, with concurrent use of DBTc |
Guerriero et al, 2011, United Kingdom [14] | Cost-effectiveness analysis (n=31,057) | To study the cost-effectiveness of single reading plus CAD versus double reading for women having routine screening across low-, average-, and high-volume units |
Sato et al, 2012, Japan [15] | Cost-effective analysis using ICERd ratio | To examine the cost-effectiveness of double reading by two readers versus single reading with CAD |
aCAD: computer-aided detection.
bDCIS: ductal carcinoma in situ.
cDBT: digital breast tomosynthesis.
dICER: incremental cost-effectiveness ratio.