Figure 4.
Nestin-Cre/ZEG lineage tracing reveals zonally restricted production of olfactory and vomeronasal receptor neurons. A–E, In adult OMP-cre/ZEG mice, Cre transgene expression (red) is detected in the neuronal layer throughout the OE. Cre is expressed at variable levels (B) in a subpopulation of OMP+ (green) ORNs (C). D, E, Throughout the OE, GFP reporter expression overlaps with OMP+ ORNs. F–L, Nestin-cre/ZEG mice express GFP (green) (F) in a subpopulation of ORNs in restricted zones. Most GFP+ ORNs coexpress OMP (red) (F, G), and a smaller subpopulation coexpress NST (red) (H, I). J, At P14, endogenous GFP is detected in the OB, OE, and OMP (red) (K) and NST (red) (L) in neuronal subpopulations in the VNO. The dotted line indicates the basal lamina. Asterisks indicate ORNs that do not express GFP.Sus, Sustentacular cells; Sep, septum; Ax, axon bundles; BC, basal cells. The asterisks indicate dorsal recess. Scale bars: (in A, F) A, D and F, H, respectively, 100 μm; (in B) B, C, K, L, 50 μm; (in E) E, G, I, 50 μm; J, 50 μm.