Tau aggregation in TauRD/ΔK280 transgenic mice by Gallyas silver staining. A, Entorhinal cortex of negative control (nontransgenic littermate) at 21 months. B, C, Gallyas-positive neurons in the entorhinal cortex (B) and in amygdala (C) in proaggregation mutant mice at 3 months after TauRD/ΔK280 gene expression. The arrow indicates a ballooned neuron in the amygdala. D, F, Accumulation of Gallyas-positive neurons in the entorhinal cortex at 12 months (D) and in neocortex at 15 months after TauRD/ΔK280 gene expression (F). E, G, Higher magnification of D and F; the arrow in G indicates dystrophic neurites. H, I, Negative stain electron microscopy of bundles of Tau filaments labeled with 10 nm immunogold, using antibodies K9JA (H) (against repeats plus C-terminal domain) and Tau-1 (I) (against region 189–207 aa before the repeats), demonstrating that mouse Tau and exogenous TauRD are present in the same filaments. The filaments are ∼10 nm wide and were isolated from proaggregation transgenic mice at 7 months of gene expression. Scale bars: A–C, E, G, 50 μm; D, F, 100 μm; H, I, 100 nm. Ent, Entorhinal cortex; Amyg, amygdala.