Figure 3.
No differences in cutaneous NGF levels or in retrograde NGF transport in WT and apoE KO mice. a, NGF levels in normally innervated skin of young adult WT mice were not significantly different from those in apoE KO mice (p > 0.447), nor was there a significant difference between the (increased) NGF levels in the skin of apoE KO and WT mice 5 d after their denervation (p > 0.84) (Mann–Whitney's U test). b, NGF uptake in skin and its retrograde transport were assessed jointly by measuring the NGF accumulation in pooled 2 mm nerve segments distal to a ligature that had been secured around the nerves 18 h earlier. The nerves used were T10–T13 and L1–L3 from both sides. There was no significant difference in NGF content between apoE KO and young adult WT mice at zero time (i.e., before ligation) (p > 0.27) or at 18 h after ligation (p > 0.77) (Mann–Whitney's U test). Error bars indicate SEM.