Inhibiting DNMT activity in neurons causes a deficit in excitatory synaptic transmission. A, Sample traces of mEPSCs recorded from mature hippocampal cultures treated 24 h with DNMT inhibitors 5azaC (2.5 μm) and Zeb (50 μm). B, Bar graph showing a decrease in the frequencies of mEPSCs recorded from 5azaC- and Zeb-treated neurons compared with controls (**p < 0.01; *p < 0.05). The numbers on the bars indicate the number of experiments (B, E). C, Histograms of mEPSC amplitudes show no differences among control, 5azaC, or Zeb treatments. D, Sample recordings of mIPSCs from cultures treated with inhibitors of DNMT activity. E, Bar graph depicts no change in mIPSC frequencies from 5azaC- or Zeb-treated neurons compared with controls. F, Cumulative histograms of mIPSC amplitudes show no differences between control and DNMT inhibitor-treated neurons. G, Dissociated hippocampal cultures were immunostained with antibodies to Synapsin (red) and PSD-95 (green) to determine the number of excitatory synapses. H, The bar graph shows no alterations in excitatory synapse number among control, 5azaC-treated, or Zeb-treated cultures.