Generation of DAL mice. A, Schematic drawing of the transfected DNA fragment. DAL mice were generated by the injection of 4.2 kb ApaLI–PvuI fragment into fertilized eggs. B, RT-PCR analysis revealed that three transgenic founders expressed exogenous ALDH2*2 in the brain. For PCR, primers shown in A were used (see Materials and Methods). The obtained PCR fragments (N) were digested with AclI (D). Two short fragments (54 and 30 bp) were derived from exogenous ALDH2*2, whereas the nondigested fragment was from endogenous ALDH2. *Nonspecific bands. C, In the brain of DAL101, real-time RT-PCR analysis revealed more exogenous ALDH2*2 transcripts relative to endogenous ALDH2 transcripts in the olfactory bulb, cortex, hippocampus, and midbrain. Data are mean ± SEM (n = 4).