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. 2008 Mar 19;28(12):3131–3140. doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.5460-07.2008

Figure 5.

Figure 5.

Influence of the contralateral eye on DNOVS2. With the contralateral eye covered, the responses of DNOVS2 to simultaneous motion in two sectors of the visual field (a) and to vertical motion as a function of the azimuth position (b) were measured. The patterns in the graphs refer to the response of the neurons in the following condition: black, both eyes open; white striped, left eye covered; gray, arithmetic sum of the individual stimuli with both eyes open; gray striped, arithmetic sum of the individual stimuli with the left eye closed. a, Stimulus presentation in the ipsilateral and contralateral field of view. For the individual stimuli (ipsilateral is downward and contralateral is upward motion), the responses of DNOVS2 with both eyes open and contralateral eye covered are similar. For the combined stimulus (third stimulus situation), the measured response with the contralateral eye covered (white-striped column) is less than the measured response with both eyes open (black column) but as strong as the arithmetic sum of the individual components. Data for both eyes open are the same as in Figure 3, and data for the contralateral eye covered represent the mean ± SEM from n = 3 flies. b, Response of DNOVS2 to vertical motion as a function of the azimuth position. The responses differ in the frontal field of view, in which the response for downward motion with contralateral eye covered (open symbols) is less than the response with both eyes open (filled symbols). Data for the filled symbols are the same as in Figure 2, and data for the open symbols are from n = 1 fly. AU, Arbitrary units.