Figure 2.
Individual examples from the same subject showing behavioral effects of microinjecting NBQX and vehicle (aCSF) into the IO. Each stack plot represents a complete printout of eyeblinks from a 200-trial injection experiment. The experiments start at the top, and each eyeblink trace represents one trial. The timing of injections is denoted by arrows in each stack plot. Conditioned eyeblinks are upward deflections of the signal between the vertical CS and US onset markers. A, Eyeblinks in an experiment where CR testing was resumed immediately after the injection of NBQX. Note that CRs were gradually abolished 23 min after NBQX. B, Stack plot of eyeblink mechanograms from an experiment in which the rabbit was injected with the same amount of drug, but the CR testing was delayed by inserting a waiting period for NBQX diffusion. In this test, CRs were absent immediately after stimuli resumed, indicating that the delayed drug effect in part A was simply a function of time, most likely related to drug diffusion. Note the partial recovery of CRs as the waiting experiment continued an extra 25 min. C, Eyeblinks in the control experiment in which injections of the same amount of vehicle (aCSF) did not affect CRs.