Figure 6.
Group effects of NBQX on CR performance and on IN activity during the nonwaiting test. The last four blocks of trials represent the recovery period and are separated from the rest of the plot by a gap. A, Effects of NBQX on mean baseline activity (±SE) of IN cells (n = 27). The firing rate of IN cells gradually decreased within the first four blocks of trials after the injection of NBQX (▴), and it remained at slightly above 10Hz for the next 60 trials. The spontaneous activity almost completely recovered during the last four blocks of the experiment. Injections of aCSF (○) had no effect on IN firing rate (n = 20). B, Effects of NBQX (▴) on mean CR incidence (±SE; n = 7) in the same set of experiments as depicted in A. CRs were gradually abolished and then partially recovered by the end of testing. This behavioral effect parallels changes in IN activity shown in A. Control injections of vehicle did not affect CR performance.