Figure 1.
AVP and oxytocin excites orexin neurons. A, Under current-clamp mode, AVP (100 nm) application induced depolarization and an increase in firing in the orexin neurons. B, In the presence of TTX, AVP (10 nm) induced depolarization in the orexin neurons. C, Under voltage-clamp mode holding at −60 mV, AVP application induced an inward current in the orexin neurons in the presence of TTX. D, E, AVP induced an increase in firing (D) and depolarization (E) in a concentration-dependent manner. F, Under current-clamp mode, oxytocin application induced depolarization and an increase in firing in the orexin neurons. G, H, Oxytocin induced an increase in firing (G) and depolarization (H) in a concentration-dependent manner. Peptides were applied by local application during the period represented by bars. Values are represented as mean ± SEM. *p < 0.05.