Figure 1.
On-line histology for the determination of structure–function relationships in physiological (3 mm) [K+] of the isolated inspiratory preBötC neuronal network. A, Rostrocaudal extensions in postnatal day P0–P4 S-D or W rats of brainstem marker nuclei for generating rhythmic preBötC slices. The data stem from 15 fixed brainstems plus 11 brainstems sectioned in saline used for studying slice functions. The small SDs indicate a high constancy of these nuclei during early postnatal development. The boundaries of preBötC slices are identified by the distance (in millimeters, negative sign indicating caudal location) from the caudal end of the facial (VII) motor nucleus (VIIc) by comparing structures in the pre/postrhythmic slices with those in a newborn rat brainstem atlas (Ruangkittisakul et al., 2006) (see B). DMCC, Dorsomedial cell column of inferior olive; IO, inferior olive; IOM, medial inferior olive; IOD, dorsal inferior olive; IOP, principal inferior olive; IOPloop, lateral loop of IOP; LRN, lateral reticular nucleus; LRNdiv, LRN divided into medial and lateral subnuclei; VIImed, medial subnucleus of VII; VIIven, ventral subnucleus of VII; XII, hypoglossal nucleus; DP, pyramidal decussation; BA, basilar artery; CCA, caudal cerebellar artery; V, VI, IX, and X, trigeminal, abducens, glossopharyngeal, and vagal nerves, respectively. B, For the determination of regions that are sufficient or necessary for the generation of inspiratory-related rhythm, slices were generated of different thickness with the preBötC in the middle (m-preBötC slices), or containing either caudal or rostral tissue plus the preBötC (c+preBötC and r+preBötC slices) (values in brackets indicate slice thickness in micrometers and boundary in millimeters; see also left panel of A). The calibration bar is identical for all slices in B. The left slice in the top right box shows the −0.65 section from the atlas corresponding to the caudal surface of the r+preBötC[700/−0.65] slice. The right slice shows the −0.40 section from the atlas corresponding to the rostral boundary of the c+preBötC[700/−0.40] slice.