Doublet and triplet motifs for random networks with binomial or power-law degree distributions. a, Histogram of the degree of incoming (solid lines) and outgoing (dotted lines) connections in 100,000 networks of 161 neurons in which connections are made with a fixed probability of p = 0.035. b, Histogram of the degree of incoming (solid lines) and outgoing (dotted lines) connections in 100,000 networks of 161 neurons generated from a truncated power-law degree distribution. Inset, Log-log plot of the same histogram and the function used to randomly generate the degree of connections (dashed line), ρ(k) ∼ 1/k. c, The number of doublet and triplet motifs in the random network compared with that predicted from a random network. Values are averaged over 100,000 realizations, and error bars show one SD (see Results). d, The number of doublet and triplet motifs in the network with power-law degree distribution compared with that predicted from a random network. Values are averaged over 100,000 realizations, and error bars show one SD (see Results).