Reduced neurogenesis in Disc1tr transgenic (Tg) embryos. A–D, A pulse of BrdU was injected into four E15.5 pregnant females and newborn brains were processed with an anti-BrdU antibody. For each brain, four images were taken from the cerebral cortex at the left and right sides of two consecutive sections with the largest lateral ventricles. Images were arbitrarily divided into 5 layers as shown, and BrdU-positive cells were quantified from each area (400 μm wide × 150 μm high). A and B were from two WT littermates, C and D from two Tg newborns. E, Statistical analyses revealed significant reduction of BrdU-positive cells in the arbitrarily assigned layer 1 of Tg mice (140.4 ± 4.9, n = 13), compared with their WT littermates (158.6 ± 5.3, n = 8). F, The total number of BrdU-incorporated cells was also significantly reduced in Tg mice compared with that in WT littermates. Scale bars, 200 μm. *p < 0.05.