Figure 5.
Simulation of the experimental data by the exocytosis mechanistic model. The experimental and simulated fusion reactions were measured for control and overexpressing cells under priming and low-priming conditions. A, Reconstruction of the secretion in control cells either with priming (top curves; experimental, black; reconstructed, gray) or under low priming (bottom curves; experimental, black; reconstructed, gray). B, Reconstruction of secretion in ubMunc13-2- and ubMunc13-2W387R-overexpressing cells. Each set of curves corresponds to experimental (black lines) or reconstructed (gray lines) dynamics: i, ubMunc13-2 cells under priming conditions; ii, ubMunc13-2W387R cells under priming conditions; iii, ubMunc13-2 cells under low-priming conditions; iv, ubMunc13-2W387R cells under low-priming conditions. C, Subtraction of the experimental control curves from the corresponding curves of the overexpression conditions. The traces correspond to four scenarios: i, ubMunc13-2 cells under priming conditions; ii, ubMunc13-2W387R cells under priming conditions; iii, ubMunc13-2 cells under low-priming conditions; iv, ubMunc13-2W387R cells under low-priming conditions. The response onset is indicated by an arrow.