Fig. 3.
Evaluation of polarized organization in the gKT structures. gKT structural asymmetry was evaluated by specific marker protein localization. (A–E) Analysis of mIMCD3-based gKT structures. (A–C) Cartoon for the imaging plane of the gKT and the corresponding confocal Z-sections from a gKT structure stained for E-cadherin (basolateral) and ZO-1 (apical). (A) Cartoon for the imaging Z-section plane (coronal and cross-sectional planes) and top images of the gKT (coronal plane images). The line in the cartoon indicates the position of the imaging plane in the gKT (B) Cartoon for the imaging Z-section plane and middle plane images of the gKT (C) Cartoon for the imaging Z-section plane and bottom plane images of the gKT. (D) Coronal (XY) and cross-section plane (XZ) images of the gKT. (E & F) Confocal images for marker proteins, cilia (acetylated alpha-tubulin) (apical), F-actin (enrichment in apical), collagen IV (basal), Na+K+-ATPase (basolateral) (G) Confocal images for marker proteins, F-actin, cilia and Na+K+-ATPase, from HK-2 cells-based gKT structure. Scale bars, 50 μm. High-magnification images of cilia inlets, corresponding to highlighted (red and green) box areas in cilia staining of E and G were provided as well. White arrows in them indicate cilia structures. mIMCD3-gKT cilia inlet image is pseudo-colored to yellow from the original gray image for enhancing contrast. Scale bars in them are 5 μm. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the Web version of this article.)