Delayed differentiation and incomplete migration of ATRX-null dentate precursors. In situ hybridization of control and AtrxFoxg1Cre sections using a DIG-labeled antisense probe specific for NeuroD1, a marker of dentate granule cell differentiation. NeuroD1 expression was detectable in the caudal and rostral hippocampal hem in control, but not AtrxFoxg1Cre sections at E13.5 (A–D, arrows). Precursor cells in both the control and ATRX-null hippocampus express NeuroD1 at E16.5 (E, F) and at P0.5 (G, H) but have not migrated to the site of the DG in the ATRX-deficient hippocampus. fi, Fibrium; ms, migratory stream. Asterisks indicate the site of the dentate notch. Hatched lines outline the shape of the dentate gyrus in control sections and its expected location in the AtrxFoxg1Cre sections. Scale bars, 200 μm.