Rap1 KO enhances the efficacy of cortico-LA synapses without altering their postsynaptic properties. A, Input–output curves in the cortical (C) and thalamic (T) inputs to LA. The averaged EPSP slopes are plotted as a function of stimulus intensity. B, Example of EPSCs evoked at holding potentials ranging from −70 to +50 mV at a step of 20 mV. Time points for determination of AMPAR and NMDAR currents are shown with dashed lines. C, D, Averaged current–voltage plots of the AMPAR (C) and NMDAR (D) currents in the WT (filled circles) and KO (open circles) slices. E, Cumulative distributions of the amplitudes of evoked asynchronous EPSCs from seven WT (solid line) and eight KO (dashed line) cells.