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. 2019 Aug 1;10:3460. doi: 10.1038/s41467-019-11494-1

Fig. 8.

Fig. 8

Additional peptides encoded by Bacteroidetes genomes with bacteroidetocin-like properties. a Alignment of peptides that were retrieved by tblastn searches of the Bacteroidetes/Chlorobi superphylum genomes using bacteroidetocin A and B (including leader sequences) as queries. The predicted GG cleavage site is highlighted yellow. Cysteine residues are highlighted pink, and residues conserved in at least four of the five peptides are highlighted in turquoise. Pr- Prevotella, ole – oleiciplenus, col – colorans. b Peptide sequences of potential bacteroidetocins retrieved using tblastn repeatedly in an iterative manner. Double GG cleavage motif is highlighted yellow and cysteine residues are highlighted pink. c ORF maps of the 19 genetic regions of each of the non-redundant bacteroidetocin-like peptides. The bacteroidetocin-like genes are colored red, TM protein genes are colored light blue, thiol oxidoreductase genes are colored gold, and ABC transporter/peptidase genes are colored yellow. Genes colored white are distinct from the four genes of the bacteroidetocin A and B regions. d Toxin dot assays of synthesized peptides bacteroidetocin A (left), the Prevotella oralis ATCC 33269 HMPREF0663_ORF3 peptide (bacteroidetocin C) (middle), and the Prevotella. oryzae DSM 17970 XylorDRAFT_0090 peptide (bacteroidetocin D) (right). 1 µg of peptide was applied in a 5 µl spot on top of an agar overlay containing the indicated strains