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. 2007 Jun 6;27(23):6197–6206. doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.1833-07.2007

Table 1.

The locations of the dipoles in the dipole source modeling

Region BA Talairach coordinates
x y z
Alerting network
    R superior temporal gyrus 22 61 −40 11
    L inferior parietal lobule 40 −50 −20 21
    L fusiform gyrus 37 −42 −62 0
    L inferior frontal gyrus 47 −32 27 0
    L superior parietal lobule 7 −36 −46 50
Orienting network
    L fusiform gyrus 37 −34 −60 −5
    R fusiform gyrus 37 30 −47 −6
    L precentral gyrus 6 −38 −8 41
    R superior parietal lobule 7 32 −41 30
    L superior frontal gyrus 6 −10 7 57
    L superior parietal lobule 7 −28 −72 28
    R postcentral gyrus 2 57 −21 43
    L precentral gyrus 4 −30 −26 53
Executive control network
    L superior frontal gyrus 6 −16 4 44
    R inferior frontal gyrus 45 36 26 15
    L fusiform gyrus 37 −36 −60 1
    L inferior frontal gyrus 47 −34 20 5
    R middle frontal gyrus 6 36 −5 50
    R fusiform gyrus 37 44 −58 1
    R anterior cingulate gyrus 32 6 36 26

BA, Brodmann's area; L, left; R, right.