Pax6 is expressed in Müller-derived neuronal progenitors in the regenerating retina. a–c, Cryosections of adult zebrafish retinas labeled with Pax6 (magenta), PCNA (red), GFP (green), and DAPI (blue). a, b, Light-lesioned retinas from Tg(gfap:nGFP)mi2004 fish. At 3 and 4 dpl, almost all GFP+ nuclei in the inner nuclear layer (inl) are PCNA+ and weakly Pax6+ (arrow). B, One nucleus is GFP+, Pax6+ but PCNA− (b; arrowhead). GFP+, Pax6+, PCNA+ cells are also in the outer nuclear layer (onl) (*). c, In unlesioned retinas, expression of Pax6 is primarily restricted to the inner portion of the INL. d, The number of GFP+, PCNA+ nuclei per 100 μm linear length of retina in the INL and ONL that are Pax6+ (gray) or Pax6− (red) is plotted as a function of days postlesion. Scale bar: (in a) a–c, 15 μm.