Figure 1.
Increased maternal behaviors in dams drinking water supplemented with corticosterone (mothers of CORT-nursed rats). The frequency of licking/grooming of control mothers and mothers of CORT-nursed rats from day 2 to 11 after delivery (observed during 5 60-min periods per day) is shown in A. Values are means ± SEM of 10 mothers per group. *p < 0.05 (ANOVA for repeated measures) versus control mothers. The frequency of arched-back nursing in the same periods is shown in B. The difference between mothers of CORT-nursed rats and control mothers was significant when evaluated from day 5 to 11 after delivery (*p < 0.05, ANOVA for repeated measures) but was nonsignificant (n.s.) when evaluated during the whole observation period (from day 2 to 11 after delivery).