Figure 1.
Characterization of three Akt isoforms. A, Single rod photoreceptor cell PCR for all three Akt isoforms and β-PDE. Mouse tail genomic DNA served as a control to rule out genomic DNA contamination, and β-PDE was used as a control for the quality of the single-cell cDNA. Results from three single rod photoreceptor cell cDNAs are presented. Akt2, Akt3, and β-PDE were found in all five preparations, and Akt1 was found in three. B, Immunolocalization of Akt1, Akt2, and Akt3 in dissociated ROS (green). Bovine ROS were prepared on glass slides as described in Materials and Methods. Immunolabeling with opsin (red) was used to identify ROS. The colocalization of Akt and opsin (yellow) clearly demonstrates the presence of all three Akt isoforms in rod photoreceptors. We used normal rabbit IgG (Akt2 and Akt3) and goat IgG (Akt1) as controls for primary antibodies. All images were obtained using the same exposure condition and time, which were determined by imaging the control sections until no signal could be obtained.