Figure 2.
Akt2 expression in the retina of adult mice. A, PCR genotyping of progeny: the WT band and the targeted bands are 163 and 277 bp, respectively. B, RT-PCR assays of the Akt2 KO and WT mice show that mRNA for Akt1 and Akt3, but not for Akt2, is expressed in the KO mice, with the product sizes of 580, 249, and 289 bp for Akt1, Akt2, and Akt3, respectively. C, Western blots of retina lysates (30 μg) from 8-week-old WT, HET, and KO mice separated by 10% SDS-PAGE gels show the absence of Akt2 protein in the Akt2 KO retinas. Actin was used as a loading control.