Figure 5.
The C0 domain of the NR1 subunit is required for the inhibition of NR1/2A currents. A, The C terminus of NR1 (NR1–1b). Shown in bold are the α-actinin-binding residues within C0. B, Traces represent recordings of NMDA currents from oocytes expressing the NR1 deletion mutant subunits indicated (see Results) with wild-type NR2A subunit, in which EGF (1 ng/ml) or ACh (5 μm) were applied as indicated. In NR1838 and NR1ΔC0, the C terminus of NR1 or only its C0 domain have been deleted, respectively. Bars represent mean ± SE percentage current of current before (control current) or of current after EGF or ACh application. The means were not significantly different (t test). Gly, Glycine; TM, transmembrane domain.