EGL defects in postnatal Plexin-B2-deficient mice. All sections are sagittal. A–D, P11 (A, B) or P13 (C–F) cerebellum sections of Plexin-B2+/− (A, C, E) and Plexin-B2−/− (B, D, F) mice immunostained for Dcx and BrdU (injected 3 h before fixation; A, B) or Ki67 (C, D) or H3P (E, F). In the EGL of Plexin-B2+/−, BrdU-labeled cells and Ki67- or H3P-immunoreactive cells are only found in the upper EGL (u; arrowhead in E), whereas Dcx is expressed in the lower EGL (l) and molecular layer (ML). In contrast, in Plexin-B2−/−, BrdU-, H3P-, or Ki67-labeled cells are also found in the molecular layer (arrowheads in B, D, F), whereas Dcx-immunoreactive cells are observed near the pial surface (arrows in D). Note also the reduction of size of the EGL between P11 and P13 in Plexin-B2+/−. G, H, P15 cerebellum sections of Plexin-B2+/− (G) and Plexin-B2−/− (H) mice immunostained for Ki67 and BrdU (injected 1 h before fixation). In Plexin-B2−/−, many double-labeled cells are observed away from the pial surface. Scale bars: A–D, 25 μm; E–H, 15 μm.