Figure 4.
Characteristic reopenings of anomalous LTCCs in cerebellar granule cells of Cav1.2DHP−/− mice in the presence of the Ca2+ channel activator (+)-(S)-202-791. Cell-attached single-channel recordings were obtained in the presence of the Ca2+ channel activator (+)-(S)-202-791 from a patch containing two anomalous LTCCs on a cerebellar granule cell from Cav1.2DHP−/− mice. Single-channel activity was elicited by the same voltage protocol as in Figure 3 A. Both of the representative traces (A) and the normalized average single-channel current during the repolarization at −40 mV (B; n = 74) show clearly shorter reopenings of the anomalous channel in Cav1.2DHP−/− mice compared with Cav1.3−/− mice (see Fig. 3). Cell, 270804_04.