Figure 8.
CMAr neuronal activation during the evaluation period was contingent on animal's commitment to the task. A, Top represents raster display and frequency histogram comparing firing activity of an individual neuron during the initial 3 s rest period and during the evaluation period after positive feedback pooled for both correct response and out of the task reward. Bottom represents in two separate curves the mean activity for correct response and out of the task reward. B, Top represents raster display and histogram comparing firing activity of an individual neuron during the initial 3 s rest period and during the evaluation period after the negative feedback engendered by the pooled four types of error analyzed. Bottom represents in four separate curves the mean activity of each of the four error types. C, White bars, Mean firing activity during the evaluation period of all neurons that responded to positive feedback. Activation was more important after positive feedback (reward delivery) consecutive to a correct execution of the SLT than after a reward delivered out of the task context. Black bars, Mean firing activity during the evaluation period of all neurons that responded to negative feedback, according to error type. The degree of activation during the evaluation period after negative feedback varied according to the type of error. The greater the degree of commitment of the animal to the task, the more important the activation.