Olig1-expressing neural stem cells produce GABAergic interneurons. A–C, E, F, Immunohistochemistry in P4 Olig1-cre/R26 mice shows colocalization of β-gal with Olig1 (A–C), cre recombinase (E), and GABA (F) in cortical cells. D, β-Galactosidase staining of brain sections from P4 Olig1-cre/R26 mice shows labeling in the dorsal cortex. G–I, The cortex of P0 WT mice has cells coexpressing Olig1 and NeuN. The mouse anti-β-gal antibody shows punctate staining (E, F), whereas the chick anti-β-gal antibody shows uniform cytoplasmic labeling (A, C). DAPI, 4′,6′-Diamidino-2-phenylindole dihydrochloride.