Figure 2.
SP and WM cells exhibit slow spike frequency adaptation. Traces and graphs shown for each group are arranged in columns. A–C, Representative traces for a pyramidal (A1, A2), SP (B1, B2), and WM (C1, C2) cell at the depolarization level indicated on the left. D–F, Instantaneous spike frequency analysis for the cell shown in the examples for pyramidal (D), SP (E), and WM (F). Each line represents a different depolarization level, and each point is a particular interval number. G–I, Analysis of spike frequency adaptation group data in pyramidal (G), SP (H), and WM (I) cells. Data were normalized to the largest instantaneous current in each cell. Traces shown for pyramidal cells start at a higher depolarization level because spikes were rarely present below 80 pA. J, Comparison of instantaneous frequency for each cell group versus spike interval number at 200 pA depolarization. K, Comparison of the adaptation rate between each cell group. Gray lines are single-exponential fits. For J and K, pyramidal cells are indicated by light gray bars and triangles, SP cells are indicated by black bars and circles, and WM cells are indicated by dark gray bars and gray circles. Significance calculated for the difference between SP and WM neurons. *p < 0.05.