Figure 6.
Responses of SP and WM cells to paired-pulse synaptic stimulation. Inset traces at top are recorded averaged paired-pulse evoked PSCs from an example SP (left) and WM (right) cell for the 50 and 200 ms ISI. A, B, Analysis of group PPR in SP (A; n = 21) and WM (B; n = 17) cells. Horizontal lines at 1.0 PPR indicate the interface between paired-pulse depression (<1.0) and paired-pulse facilitation (>1.0). Gray region indicates the variability in the PPR expected from normal variability of a single PSC (the mean ± SEM PPR for the ratio of the first PSC in each trial related to the first PSC in the previous trial with 5 s intertrial intervals). Filled circles in the group data represent the mean ± SEM of the PPR at each ISI. *p < 0.05; **p < 0.01.