Figure 7.
Responses of SP and WM cells to 1 Hz synaptic conditioning for plasticity induction. Schematic shows the organization of the experimental protocol (for details, see Materials and Methods). Inset traces are examples of the recorded PSCs and PSPs in current and voltage clamp, respectively. Arrow in the insets represents the location of extracellular stimulation. Gray bars indicate the conditioning period. A, B, Representative time plots of PSCs before and after 15 min 1 Hz synaptic stimulation for an individual SP and WM cell that exhibited LTD, respectively. Insets are average PSCs 10 min before 1 Hz stimulation and from 25–35 min after 1 Hz stimulation (horizontal bars). Horizontal line indicates the interface between depression and facilitation. C, D, Group data for all SP (n = 8) and WM (n = 7) cells, respectively. Significant LTD (p < 0.001) was observed in both cases. The mean group LTD in SP cells was 31%, whereas it was 55% in WM cells.