Figure 1.
Expression of S-opsin in transgenic mouse rods. A, The mouse rod opsin (Lem et al., 1991) promoter was used to direct expression of mouse S-opsin in rods. One construct contained the full coding sequence of S-opsin, whereas S-opsin-1D4 contained the terminal eight amino acid residues from rhodopsin (ETSQVAPA) appended to the C terminus of S-opsin. B, Western blot of serially diluted retinal extracts from age-matched S-opsin-1D4rho−/− and S-opsinrho−/− mice probed with an antibody against S-opsin. The ratios indicate the fraction of a retina loaded per lane. C, Western blot of serially diluted retinal extracts from age-matched S-opsin-1D4rho−/− and rho+/− mice probed with the monoclonal antibody 1D4, which recognizes the terminal eight amino acid residues on rhodopsin. The presence of 1D4 on S-opsin-1D4 allows for direct comparison of expression levels between S-opsin and rhodopsin in rho+/− retinas. Ratios indicate the fraction of retina loaded per lane. D, Spectrometric measurement of purified S-opsin-1D4 shows peak absorbance at 360 nm.