Figure 3.
Effects of ACPT-I, CPPG, and DCPG injections into the globus pallidus on haloperidol-induced catalepsy. Eighty-five minutes after haloperidol administration (1 mg/kg), animals (n = 5–7 per group) received intrapallidal injections of ACPT-I (0, 1, 2.5 nmol/μl) or the mGluR8-selective agonist DCPG (0.1 nmol/μl), and catalepsy was measured immediately and every 10 min for the 1 h testing. The group III mGluR antagonist CPPG (25 nmol/μl) was injected 10 min before ACPT-I or vehicle. The data are expressed as mean median latency ± SEM during the total duration of the test. *Significantly different from control group (p < 0.05; significant Mann–Whitney U test). #Significantly different from haloperidol group (p < 0.05; significant Mann–Whitney U test).