Expression of Ptf1a in the embryonic caudal hindbrain. A, B, Serial transverse frozen sections of r7 hindbrain at E11.5. Localization of Math1 transcripts (visualized by in situ hybridization) and Ptf1a and Ngn1 proteins (visualized by immunohistochemistry) are shown. C, Schematic diagram of expression of bHLH transcription factors/genes in the caudal hindbrain at E11.5. Lmx1a is reported to be expressed in the roof plate (rp) (Landsberg et al., 2005). D–F, Double immunostaining with anti-Ptf1a and BrdU antibodies within the Ptf1a domain of the E11.5 caudal hindbrain. Pregnant mice were given BrdU injections 1 h before embryo harvest and fixation. Many Ptf1a-positive cells incorporate BrdU (arrowheads in F), indicating that they are mitotic. G–I, Double immunostaining with anti-Ptf1a and HuC/D antibodies around the Ptf1a domain of the caudal hindbrain at E11.5. Ptf1a-positive cells do not express HuC/D, suggesting that they do not include postmitotic neurons. Scale bars: A, B, 100 μm; D–I, 20 μm.