Figure 2.
The sensitivity of the NMDA-R to ifenprodil remained unchanged during development. A, Ifenprodil (10 μm) reversibly blocked ∼60% of the NMDA-R EPSC. The synaptic response was evoked with electrical stimulation; each trace is the average of three to five sweeps. B, Ifendprodil (10 μm) reversibly blocked about half of the whole-cell response to NMDA puff application (500 μm, 1 s) in another E14 neuron. C, The bar graph summarizes ifenprodil inhibition of NMDA-R EPSC (n = 3–6 cells) and whole-cell response (n = 3–13 cells) at different ages. No significant difference was detected between the two age groups or between the two types of response mediated by NMDA-R.