Figure 2.
Spike timing of an O-LM cell is not coupled to field gamma oscillations. A, Reconstructions of the Neurobiotin-labeled soma and dendrites (red; shown complete) and axons (yellow; shown from only 12 70-μm-thick sections). B, The Neurobiotin-labeled O-LM cell is immunopositive for PV, somatostatin (SOM), and mGluR1α. C, Extracellularly recorded APs (top) and LFPs (bottom; recorded extracellularly with a second electrode in SP) with filtered gamma oscillations (bandpass, 30–80 Hz; middle). The O-LM cell firing is not coupled to any particular gamma phase. D, Average discharge rates as a function of gamma phase (per 36° bin; 2 cycles are shown). SO, Stratum oriens. Scale bars: A, 100 μm; B, 10 μm. Calibration: C, horizontal, 0.1 s; vertical, top, 0.2 mV; middle, 0.1 mV; bottom, 0.4 mV.