LTD induced by paired PF and CF activation. A, Pairing protocol. B, Top, Averaged EPSPs of one Purkinje cell before and after pairing PF-evoked EPSPs with CF responses. The CF activation followed the PF stimulus by 30 ms. Bottom, Pooled responses (n = 5) before and after similar pairings. CF stimulation followed the PF stimulus by 30–80 ms in these five pairings. EPSP amplitudes were normalized in the same way as above. C, Pairing protocols: two or three sweeps were superimposed in each set of traces. M1, PF activation paired with CF activation at a 40 ms interval; M2, PF stimulation at 1 Hz. The bottom set of traces show that after M2, the PF-EPSC was profoundly reduced, but the CF-EPSC was unaffected. D, Top, Averaged EPSCs of one Purkinje cell showing effects of different manipulations (M1 and M2). M1, Pairing with CF-EPSC; M2, PF activation alone at 1 Hz for two 5 min periods (double arrows). Bottom, Pooled responses (n = 4). Note that two 5 min periods of PF activation alone at 1 Hz did not reverse the depression.