Figure 3.
Unilateral DiI injections in the cerebellum and retrograde labeling of precerebellar nuclei in both normal and trio mutant newborn mice. After the cerebellar injection in wild-type E17 mice (A and C, E at a higher magnification), the ION located contralateral to the injection site and the ipsilateral ECN and LRN were labeled (A). Crossing fibers of the olivary commissure were visualized ventrally in the olivary region. In mice mutant for the expression of trio, IONn were also labeled contralateral to the injection site (ION in B, and at a higher magnification in D, F). No labeled IONn were located in the lateral part of the ION contralateral to the injection site, in neither the lateral DAO nor the lateral aspects of the PO (black region surrounded with a dotted line in D). The aspect of the retrograde tracing in the mutant caudal ION (F) was similar to the one in the wild type (E). ECN and LRN were properly ipsilaterally retrogradely labeled (B). Scale bars: (in B) A, B, 300 μm; (in F) C–F, 108 μm.