Robust phase-delayed PDF cycling in terminals of parvalbumin-expressing LNVs. Comparison of anti-PDF staining intensity in the dorsomedial terminals of PV-expressing and control nonexpressing LNVs on the second and fifth days in constant darkness (DD-D2 and DD-D5, respectively). Anti-PDF staining analyzed as for anti-PDP1 staining in Figure 7. Bar graph shows mean ± SEM. n > 12 hemispheres for each experimental condition. There is no significant effect of genotype on DD-D2. However, on DD-D5, there is a statistically significant effect of genotype. Control flies have similar peak levels of PDF immunoreactivity at circadian time 4 (CT4) and CT10, with lower levels at CT16 and CT22 (p < 0.05, ANOVA with Bonferroni's paired comparison test). In contrast, PV-expressing flies have similar peak levels of PDF immunoreactivity at CT4, CT10, and CT16, with a decrease only at CT22 (p < 0.05, ANOVA with Bonferroni's paired comparison test), consistent with a phase delay in PV-expressing flies. There is no significant difference in the magnitude of peak levels of PDF immunoreactivity between control and PV-expressing flies (p > 0.05, ANOVA with Bonferroni's paired comparison test).