Figure 3.
Auditory cortex activation produced by sequences of complex tones. The fMRI data for each subject (S1–S6) are displayed on flattened patches containing left or right auditory cortex. Color indicates significant activation in a contrast between the four Δf 0 conditions and epochs of noise masker only (cutoff p < 0.001, no correction for multiple comparisons). The particular color conveys the anatomically defined ROI within which the activation lies (yellow, anterior AC; red, medial HG; blue, posterior AC). The light and gray parts of each patch correspond to gyri and sulci, respectively. The top left patch indicates the location of HG, PT, and STG for left auditory cortex of subject S6. The bottom left patch shows the three anatomically defined regions of interest in their entirety for the same subject. The position of the P1m dipole in each auditory cortex is indicated by a gray circle. The right dipole in subject 2 and the left dipole in subject 3 were elevated by ∼5 mm to lie within the gray matter for display. All other dipoles were mapped to the gray matter without any correction.