AAV2/8-Cre-treated mice exhibit significant depletion of BDNF mRNA from the basomedial hypothalamus compared with AAV2/8-GFP-treated controls. A–D, In situ hybridization analysis of representative coronal sections obtained from floxed BDNF mice treated with AAV2/8-GFP (A, C) or AAV2/8-Cre (B, D) showing extensive depletion of BDNF mRNA in the VMH (arrows) and DMH (arrowheads) of AAV2/8-Cre-treated mice. C, D, Higher-magnification views of VMH and DMH areas. E, Quantification of BDNF mRNA in situ hybridizations by densitometry demonstrates significant reductions in BDNF mRNA content in the VMH and DMH of AAV2/8-Cre-treated mice (closed bars) relative to AAV2/8-GFP-treated mice (open bars). BDNF mRNA content in the PVN, cortex (Ctx), and hippocampus (Hipp) was comparable in both experimental groups (n = 7; *p = 0.0007; **p = 0.0001).