Our NestinCreERT2 transgenic line can be used to visualize the continual production of new neurons, throughout adult life, in the germinal centers. a–p, Coronal (a–d, i–l) and sagittal (e–h, m–p) views of the adult SVZ (a–d), RMS (e–h), OB (i–l), and SGL (m–p) showing β-Gal staining representing the expression of LacZ, in NestinCreER/+; Rosastop LacZ/+ mice treated once with tamoxifen at P120 and analyzed 3 d later (a, e, i, m), 1 week later (b, f, j, n), 1 month later (c, g, k, o), and 2 months later (d, h, i, p). Scale bars: (in d, l, p) a–d, i–p, 200 μm; (in h) e–h, 400 μm.