Endogenous or exogenous DA attenuates BLA-evoked inhibition of mPFC neurons. A, PSTH obtained from one neuron before (baseline; left) or 2 min after repeated burst stimulation of the VTA (right). Repeated burst stimulation of the VTA caused a persistent attenuation of BLA-evoked inhibition. B, Histograms displaying the mean ± SEM duration (left), onset (middle), and BLA-evoked percentage change in the spontaneous firing rate (% inhibition of firing; right) during baseline sweeps (white bars) and after repeated burst stimulation of the VTA (black bars). *p < 0.05 versus baseline. n = 11 neurons recorded from 10 rats. C, PSTH obtained from one neuron before (baseline; left) and after iontophoretic application of DA (20 nA) near the region of the recording electrode (right). Local application of DA also attenuated BLA-evoked inhibition of mPFC neural firing.