Figure 9.
Schematic illustration of the dynamic processing for eye movement generation in which PH-BT cells represent the output of the inverse dynamic model. Although the PH-BT cell population is illustrated outside the box labeled “inverse model” for simplicity, these cells can also be considered to contribute as an integral part of the model through feedback interconnections (dotted line) with other premotor neural populations including PVP and EH neurons. PVP and EH cells, which may also participate in the inverse dynamic computations and are known to contribute to the motoneural command signal, are also shown projecting to the motoneuron population, MN. PH-BT cells are postulated to distribute an estimate of the motor command signal to other brain areas (e.g., the cerebellar flocculus) that potentially implement a forward model of the eye plant. The estimated motor response at the output of such a forward model can be compared with the desired eye movement to help refine the motor command signal.