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. 2019 Jul 25;10:1561. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2019.01561

Table 5.

MOI 2 Segment 1. Transcript of Traveler and Guide and event-related alpha asymmetry peak values.

MOI 2, Segment 1 Transcript (Commentary) FAA and PAA peaks
Time Traveler Guide Traveler Guide
…Like the music is very nurturing…
14:17:48 listening +0.6212
14:18:08 Sadly it is also containing the sad thing about it, don't know…in a nurturing way +0.9589
14:18:30 Exhales deeply P3-4: +0.8598
F4-3: −0.8358
14:18:53 I feel like almost being connected to the baby +0.1879
Well I know, It is very smart
14:19:03 listening +1.0179

Underlined words correspond with peaks. FAA peaks are log-transformed (ln) power differences of relative AA (here ln F4—ln F3 for FAA or ln P3—ln P4 for PAA). For example, positive values (like +1.0179) indicate relative higher activity in the left-frontal cortex during the corresponding time segment (14:19:03); unlabelled values represent FAA asymmetry scores. P, Parietal; F, Frontal Asymmetries.