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. 2006 Aug 2;26(31):8101–8114. doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.5140-05.2006

Table 4.

Changes in firing rates, oscillatory firing patterns, and synchronization in pallidal neurons continuously recorded over the Off–On transition

Optimal treatment state Dyskinetic treatment state
A. Firing rate
n Net changea Incb NCb Decb n Net changea Incb NCb Decb
    GPe 12 ↑ *1.6 (+36 spk/s) 9 (75%) 3 (25%) 0 (0%) 44 ↑ *2.2 (+38 spk/s) 37 (84%) 3 (9%) 4 (7%)
    GPi 4 ↓ *1.2 (−10 spk/s) 1 (25%) 1 (25%) 2 (50%) 4 ↓ *1.8 (−27 spk/s) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 4 (100%)
B. Oscillatory firing patternc
n Osc↓NoOsc Osc↓Osc NoOsc↓NoOsc NoOsc↓Osc n Osc↓NoOsc Osc↓Osc NoOsc↓NoOsc NoOsc↓Osc
    GPe 12 17% 8% 75% 0% 44 12% 2% 84% 2%
    GPi 4 0% 75% 25% 0% 4 0% 50% 50% 0%
C. Pairwise neuronal synchronizationd
n Cor↓NoCor Cor↓Cor NoCor↓NoCor NoCor↓Cor n Cor↓NoCor Cor↓Cor NoCor↓NoCor NoCor↓Cor
    GPe 13 15% 15% 70% 0% 101 46% 26% 25% 3%
    GPi 5 40% 40% 20% 0% 2 100% 0% 0% 0%

GPe continuously recorded cells are from both monkeys.

aThe average change of firing rate for all continuously recorded cells. The change is expressed as the factor by which the average rate increased or decreased and by spikes per second (spk/s).

bThe number of cells that decreased (Dec), increased (Inc), or did not change (NC) their discharge rate significantly after the medication. An increase or decrease of >10% from the baseline rate of the cell was considered significant.

cThe fraction of cells that changed their discharge pattern from oscillatory (Osc) to non-oscillatory (NoOsc), remained oscillatory, remained non-oscillatory, or changed their pattern from non-oscillatory to oscillatory in response to the medication.

dThe fraction of neuronal pairs that changed their correlation mode from correlated (Cor) to noncorrelated (NoCor), remained correlated, remained noncorrelated, or changed their mode from noncorrelated to correlated in response to the medication.