Figure 11.
A, The average number of single-labeled ganglion cells (M) vastly outnumber double (D)- or triple (T)-labeled cells after injecting three adjacent fungiform buds with different color dyes (no triple-labeled cells). B, Similarly, single-labeled ganglion cells predominate after injection of three nearby palatal buds with different dyes. C, Injecting three adjacent rows with different dyes yielded many single-labeled and few double-labeled ganglion cells as in A. Only neurons innervating adjacent rows (RV and RIV, RIV and RIII, but not RV and RIII) were labeled, but rarely. D, Single-labeled cells, after injecting concentric rings of 20–22 buds with one color dye and a central bud with a different color dye predominate; the rare incidence of double labeled cells is similar to that in A. Error bars represent SDs.