Figure 1.
Burst activity in the retina and the V1 cortex of the newborn rat in vivo. A, Extracellular field potential recording from the retina of a P5 rat. Note the intermittent burst discharges separated by silent periods. Inset, Marked burst of action potentials is shown on expanded time scale. Bi, Wide-band recordings of extracellular field potential (top trace) and corresponding filtered (0.2 kHz) MUA (bottom trace) in V1 cortex of a P5 rat. Note the correlation between field activity and MUA. Inset, Averaged power spectrum of the field potential oscillations showing maximal power at 18 Hz. Bii, Spindle burst oscillation (top trace) and corresponding MUA (bottom trace) from the trace shown in Bi displayed at expanded time scale. Inset, Corresponding color-coded wavelet spectrum. C, Normalized cross-correlograms between V1 MUA and spindle troughs from the recording shown in B D, Transcortical wide-band recordings of field activity recorded in a P6 rat. Note the phase reversal and reduction of oscillation with increasing depth. E, Developmental profile of the spindle burst activity in V1 of newborn rat. Both the frequency of units (bottom diagram) as well as the occurrence of bursts (middle diagram) and the frequency within the spindle bursts (top diagram) significantly (p < 0.005) increased with age. Error bars indicate SEM. F, Synaptic correlates of V1 spindle bursts. Fi, Digital stack photomontage of a whole-cell recorded and biocytin-stained pyramidal neuron from a P5 rat. The trace of the extracellular electrode close to the cell is marked by a red dotted line. Fii, Extracellular field potential recording of V1 bursts (top trace) and simultaneous voltage-clamp whole-cell recording from a layer V pyramidal neuron at a holding potential of −65 mV (bottom trace). Gi, Phase-to-phase synchronization between V1 spindle bursts and glutamatergic EPSCs voltage-clamp recorded from a layer V neuron at a holding potential of −65 mV (the reversal potential of the GABAA receptor-mediated currents). Gii, Phase-to-phase synchronization between V1 spindle burstsand GABAergic PSCs recorded at 0 mV (the reversal potential for glutamatergic currents).