Figure 7.
Cholinergic modulation of tactile responses in the gracilis nucleus. A, Plot of the spontaneous firing rate of a representative GN neuron in spontaneous conditions and after electrical stimulation of the PRN (50 Hz during 500 ms). Reticular formation stimulation increased the firing rate in control condition (after application of ACSF on the GN; n = 27). Atropine application on GN (0.5 mm; 1 μl; n = 8) abolished the increase of the firing rate evoked by PRN stimulation. B, Plot of the mean response (spikes per stimuli) evoked by 20 ms tactile stimuli delivered at the receptive field of GN neurons at 0.5 Hz (n = 27). Each value indicates the response average of five stimuli. Electrical stimulation of the PRN (50 Hz during 500 ms) increased tactile responses in control (ACSF). However, response facilitation was abolished by application of atropine on GN (n = 8; Atropine).